Speech Contests FAQ

  1. In what format are 2023-2024 speech contests taking place?
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  2. How are in-person, online, and hybrid contests defined?
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  3. What happens if I pay my dues on time but my club treasurer does not submit my dues to World Headquarters?
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  4. Are contestants required to have completed a minimum number of speeches, projects, or levels to participate in a speech contest?
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  5. Can a member compete in two Area contests if the areas are in different Divisions or Districts?
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  6. Can a member serve as a contest chair at one contest and compete in another?
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  7. What is a contest official? Can they serve more than one role?
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  8. Who can be an alternate speaker?
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  9. Do judges need to remain anonymous?
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  10. Does the chief judge’s role include judging contestants?
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  11. What does it mean that "a member serving as a chief judge, voting judge or tiebreaking judge beyond the club level for a contest in which the member is still competing or intends to compete" is ineligible?
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  12. An Area with five clubs has one club that is not in good standing. Can the clubs in good standing in that Area send two contestants to the Area contest?
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  13. Can my District conduct in-person contests?
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  14. What does the Speech Contest Rulebook mean when it says a speech must be “substantially original?”
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  16. Can members be charged an entry fee in order to compete in a speech contest?
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  17. What are the rules regarding usage of music, media, or props in a speech contest speech?
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  18. What are the guidelines for Districts conducting online or hybrid speech contests?
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  19. Can my District change our selected contest format in the middle of a contest level?
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  20. Can reaction buttons or emojis be used during online contests?
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  21. What are the guidelines regarding video or audio recording of a District speech contest?
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  22. Where can I find more information or resources on speech contests?
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  23. Where can I find the dates and times of the speech contest in my Area, Division, or District?
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  24. Who is ineligible to compete in any speech contest?
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